Florist's Choice - Bright & Bold

Florist's Choice - Bright & Bold

An eye-catching bouquet bursting with vibrant colors, featuring a seasonal mix of bold orange, yellow, purple, and green blooms.

Arranged with lush foliage and beautifully presented in a striking pink box, this bouquet is perfect for brightening up any occasion and adding a pop of cheerful energy.

Please note that flowers, box, and accessories may vary depending on availability, seasonality, and the florist’s creative choices.
However, rest assured that the bouquet provided will be a more than suitable match for the image shown.

Florist's Choice - Bright & Bold

Select Option and Price

Small (As shown in image) £ 35.00
Medium £ 50.00
Large £ 65.00
Deluxe £ 80.00

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