Order Same Day Flower Delivery in Leyland

Peachy Keen

Peachy Keen

"Peachy Keen" is a flirty Valentine’s Day bouquet bursting with charm and a playful mix of pastel hues.

Perfect for someone who’s a little sweet and a little sassy, this arrangement will add a touch of fun and romance to their day.

Show them you’re keen to make their heart bloom!

Please note that flowers, box, and accessories may vary depending on availability, seasonality, and the florist’s creative choices.
However, rest assured that the bouquet provided will be a more than suitable match for the image shown.

Peachy Keen

Select Option and Price

Small (as shown in image) £ 40.00
Medium £ 55.00
Large £ 70.00
Deluxe £ 90.00

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